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Understanding & Managing Aggressive Behaviour

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UMAB was developed to address the safety needs of both the service provider and the people it services. The UMAB Program has the ability to be customized to specific requirements by means of a Risk Needs Assessment. The training program is developed at the required level by examining current training, focus, the regularity of training provided, occupational health and safety issues, environmental considerations, and the agency's mandated service and philosophy. An Orientation Program (the initial basic knowledge and skill training) can vary in duration from 2 -5 days based on what has been identified through the Risk Needs Assessment. A Train-the-Trainer Program is also available. The duration varies based on the Orientation Program developed for the specific setting.


This program is considered to be essential to the human service industry when dealing with aggressive and/or violent persons in need. It introduces the participants in understanding the functionalities of a person's behaviour and how to identify vital signs of an impending crisis and manage safely and effectively.   If the situation becomes physical, the participants are taught the concept of self-protection, disengagement skills and the principles of the use of physical intervention on a continuum in various direct care service settings. This program is structured to incorporate both theoretical and experiential learning components. An understanding is provided of the legislative policies and procedures with regards to the use of behaviour management intervention strategies required for frontline workers to be effective and successful in the management of the behaviour of persons in need.


What can this program offer?

  • The approach of least intrusive least restrictive strategies.

  • Trauma-informed approach

  • Consistent and safe application of behavioural interventions in a continuum.

  • Development of strategies for agency protocols.

  • Identify support within the framework of the agency.

  • Self-examination of own skills.

  • Team strategies with environmental considerations.

  • Communication skills

  • Consultation and support mechanism for Agencies and Trainers under this program.

  • UMAB programs are designed to each Agencies identified needs

  • UMAB is a certified course that is carded for both the Orientation and Continuing Education programs (ongoing review process)

  • UMAB offers a certified Trainers Program (ongoing review process)


Program Formats:


The “Orientation” training is either 2 or 3 Days in length based on the needs of the requesting agency. The certificate is valid for one year, and the date of expiry is identified on the card. If the participant only completes the 2 Day course, it will be identified on the top right corner of their card.


The “Continuing Education” training is either 1(no containments) or 2 days in length, based on what the participant received training for in the year prior. If the participant only completes the 1 Day course, it will be identified on the top right corner of their card. The certificate is valid for 1 year and is identified on the card.


The UMAB “Train the Trainer Program” is a 5 Day Course – The agencies and participants that partake in this model of training will have to successfully complete a written exam, verbal presentation and a demonstration of the physical techniques. Once they successfully complete the 5 Day Train the Trainer Model, they will receive a certificate (annually they will receive a seal with the current year). Agencies who have UMAB Trainer’s onsite complete a bi-annual recertification training with one of the Level 2 UMAB Instructors.


UMAB is currently/ has been utilized in the following environments:

  • Children’s and Youth Residences

  • Children’s and Youth Treatment Residences

  • Foster Homes

  • Treatment Foster Homes

  • Early Childhood Centres

  • Transitional Housing

  • Secure Treatment

  • Secure Custody and Detention (Privatized)

  • Youth Justice (Direct Operated)

  • Youth Shelters

  • Family Shelters

  • Day Treatment Programs

  • Children Aid Societies (child welfare)

  • Schools (Elementary and Secondary)

  • Section Classrooms

  • Addictions Programs / Supervision Injection Services

  • Day Treatment Programs

  • Security

  • Customs and Immigration

  • Police Departments and Specialized Extraction Teams

  • Adult Developmental Services

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Design By: Tiffany Gaudette

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