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General UMAB Information Page

Hy ‘N’ Hancement Consulting Inc. prides themselves on transparency regarding our trainings and wants everyone to know how certification works as well as where and when you can utilize UMAB.


Our certification process is as such;


Orientation Program (new to UMAB or have expired beyond the grace period)


3-Day UMAB Orientation includes: verbal de-escalation strategies, self-protection, disengagement skills and physical containments *full course*


2-Day UMAB Orientation includes: verbal de-escalation strategies, self-protection, and disengagement skills *the UMAB certificate will state no containments*


1-Day UMAB Orientation includes: verbal de-escalation strategies *will receive a certificate of completion via email stating no containments- also is valid for 18 months*


Continuing Education Program (recertification)


2-Day UMAB Continuing Education includes: verbal de-escalation strategies, self-protection, disengagement skills and physical containments *full course*


1-Day UMAB Continuing Education includes: verbal de-escalation strategies, self-protection, and disengagement skills *the UMAB certificate will state no containments*


Our new coded card system is slowly rolling out, starting in Durham Region in September 2022 - We’ve become aware, from our agency partners, that fraudulent UMAB Crisis Intervention Program certificates may be circulating. These fraudulent certificates appear to be coming from individuals, who independently apply for employment opportunities. 

Note to the Agencies regarding fraudulent certificates:  Only accept the hard copy of the certificate or a photo of the certificate. If it is photocopied and in black and white - DO NOT ACCEPT  the certificate as valid.  Please reach out to us to verify the legitimacy of the certificate(s) in question. 


Train the Trainer Program


Our Trainers Program is a 5-Day all-inclusive training, all potential candidates for the Train-the-Trainer program are required to have participated in the UMAB Orientation and or Continuing Education program. (The reasoning behind this approach is to use these venues as an assessment tool to identify the individuals’ proficiencies. Both the Orientation and Continuing Education program have gauging processes built into the program for consideration to the Trainers Program)

Once the candidate has successfully completed the UMAB TTT Program, it permits individuals trained as trainers to train in the Understanding and Managing Aggressive Behaviour – Crisis Intervention Program for the Agency that funded their training. If a trainer is found to be training outside of their organization, they will be de-certified immediately and may face legal action (ex: fraudulent). All whom the trainer trained will lose their certification.

However, Hy ‘N’ Hancement Consulting Inc. can allow Trainers to train outside their organization on a case-by-case basis. Level 2 Instructors – can facilitate training outside of their organization when scheduled by Hy ‘N’ Hancement Consulting Inc.


Agencies with UMAB Trainers


All UMAB Trainers are required to submit training documents (sign-ins/ copy of signed UMAB Certificate) on a bi-monthly basis via email to, fail to do so will relinquish all Professional Liability Extension to your Agency.


Agencies Hy ‘N’ Hancement Consulting Inc. provides UMAB Training to


If one of our Hy ‘N’ Hancement Consulting Inc. UMAB Trainers facilities training at your agency there is no need to send in documentation as they will provide operations with all required documents to ensure your Agency is covered under our Professional Liability Extension.

Outside Staffing Agencies:

If your staffing organization has a UMAB Trainer or is trained by one of our Hy ‘N’ Hancement UMAB Trainers – your agency is covered by the Professional Liability Extension, as long as the required documents are emailed to Hy ‘N’ Hancement Consulting Inc. on a bi-monthly base.


If your agency does not fit the above criteria, those individuals working with your agency with UMAB certificates do not fall under any Extension of Liability. This means if anything occurs your Agency will be held liable, as UMAB certificates can be used between agencies under the UMAB training program. If the Agency isn’t then they shall be held liable if any incident occurs, due to not having full documentation of proof a validation of their staff's certificates (ex: sign-ins with a picture of the certificates surrounding it, as well as a copy of the staff's tests – which is an MCCSS Licensing Requirement)

If you have any questions, please contact us at

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Design By: Tiffany Gaudette

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